《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第1集第14期:现在的女朋友(在线收听

I remember when my dad died,I had a house full of strangers telling me what a great guy he was.

记得我爸爸去世时 家里来了好多陌生人一个个跟我说 我爸爸是个多么多么好的人

Anyway, I know how hard all this is.Difference is, in your case, it was true.

我能理解你现在的痛楚 我跟你不一样 你爸爸确实是个好人

My dad was a dick.Yeah, yeah, he was.

可我爸却是个混蛋 没错 确实

I found this in his desk.He won't mind, he's dead.

我在他桌上拿了这个 他不会管的 他已经挂了

Yeah, you know what, sure.Why not.

好啊 我也喝点吧 当然要喝

Hey, what's going on in here, Tyler?Nothing. Nothing.You got somewhere else to be?

怎么了 泰勒 没事 没事 你不是要去哪里吗

The Lockwoods have a lot more land than they used to.


The possessions of all the tomb vampires built them quite a fortune.

他们从墓里的吸血鬼那里 真是大赚一笔

Yeah, why did you want them dead, hmm?You're the one who turned most of them.

为什么要弄死他们呢 是你把他们变成吸血鬼的

There's nothing more annoying than a vengeful vampire, Stefan.Just ask John Gilbert.

没有什么比一个想着复仇的 吸血鬼更烦人了 斯特凡 问问约翰·吉尔伯特就知道了

You haven't changed at all, have you?But you have.You're stronger.Meaner. It's sexy.

你一点都没变啊 可你变了 你变得更强大了 也更小气了 不过很性感

Don't flirt with me, Katherine.I'm not Damon.

别对我调情 凯瑟琳 我可不是达蒙

I haven't spent 145 years obsessed with you.


Yeah.Based on your choice of women,I'd say otherwise.

是啊 要是没看到你现在的女朋友 我也会这么觉得
