《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第1集第17期:还在寻找自我(在线收听

Not all, but enough. For now.Can you tell Elena I said good-bye?

没杀光 不过暂时够了 帮我向埃琳娜道个别吧

Why don't you tell her yourself?You know, Jeremy, I was taught to hate them.The vampires.

你干吗不自己当面说 杰里米 我受的教育就是要憎恨他们 那些吸血鬼

It's what I know. It's what your father knew.

这就是我所知道的 也是你爸知道的

My father would have seen things differently.


No, he may have done things differently,but there's no other way to see it.

不 你爸也许行事有所不同 但观点与我绝对一致

That ring on your finger, the one that's supposed to protect you,that was my father's, right?Yeah.

你手上那个旨意在于保护你的戒指 是我爸爸的吧 是的

Then why didn't it protect him? Why is he still dead?

那它为何没能保护我爸 为何他还是死了

What happened to your parents wasn't supernatural.It was an accident.

你双亲的死亡不是超自然因素造成的 那是场意外事故

There's nothing that can save us from that.


I wonder what he'd think of all this,of me.

我在想他在天之灵会对这一切 对我 做何感想

He'd think that you're still young.You're still finding yourself.

他会觉得你尚年轻 还在寻找自我

But you are a Gilbert,and you've been exposed to this town's darkest secret,and with that comes responsibility.

但你是吉尔伯特家的一员 见识过这个小镇最黑暗的秘密 随之而来就是责任了

I don't believe in that family legacy stuff.Sooner or later, you'll have to.

我才不相信什么家族传统 你迟早会相信的
