《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第1集第20期:善良之心(在线收听

I think she popped a couple pharmaceuticals.


I didn't mean to freak her out.I don't know why I get like this.

我不想吓她的 我不知道自己怎么了

It's the curse of being a Lockwood.


So how did you get the chill gene?I didn't.

那你怎么有这种冷静的基因 我没有

I've just learned how to manage it.


I don't want to be like this anymore.None of us do.

我不想再这样下去了 我们都不想

That's why it's a curse, Tyler.

所以这才是个诅咒 泰勒

He saw the ring, that's why he did it. He knew.

他看见这戒指了 所以才会这么做的 他明白

He didn't see the ring.It's Katherine.

他没看见戒指 是凯瑟琳的事

She got under his skin.She undid everything that was good about him.

她迷惑了他的心 使一切善良的部分化为乌有

There is nothing good about him.Stefan, not anymore.

他没有什么善良之心 斯特凡 再也没有了

He's decided what he wants.


He doesn't want to feel, he wants to be hated.It's just easier that way.

他把自己封闭起来 他希望被世人憎恨 这样更轻松些

He got his wish.I hate him, Stefan.I know.

他如愿以偿了 我恨他 斯特凡 我明白

Is he ok? Stefan, is he ok?He's ok.Shh. You're OK.

他没事吧 斯特凡 他还好吧 他没事 嘘 你没事的

He killed me. Damon killed me.Shh, it's ok.Oh, god.

他杀了我 达蒙杀了我 嘘 没事了 上帝
