《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第2集第5期:完全迷失自己(在线收听

You get angry,typically over nothing.

会觉得愤怒 其实根本没什么可气的

I'm an angry guy.You know, it just amplifies,and then I go off.

我本来就是个易怒的人 知道吗 只是更加严重了 然后我就会发飙

You black out?Yeah.It's like I go blind with rage.

你会晕过去 是 就像是被气到眼前一黑

Is there a pattern?Like once a month?Only at night?

这种情况有规律吗 比如每个月一次 而且只在晚上发生

All I know is I lose myself.You know?

我只知道我完全迷失了自己 你知道吗

For that time... I become something else.I hate it.

那时...我变得不是自己了 我讨厌那样

More tea?Damon?Yes, please.Thank you, Carol.

还要点茶吗 达蒙 要 麻烦你 谢谢 卡罗尔

Your mom said you're not eating.That's gross.

你妈说你什么都没吃 那些吃的太糟了

It's hospital food.It's supposed to be gross.

医院的饭就是这样 当然不好吃

She also said you're getting released tomorrow morning.Morning?

她还说你明早就能出院了 早上吗

Uh, I need to get out tonight.


No. The carnival's gonna happen without you, Caroline.

不行 你不能去狂欢节 卡罗琳

I--I know it's hard for your neurotic,control-freak personality to process,But Bonnie and Elena have it.

我知道这对神经质加控制狂的你来说 有点不太容易 但是邦妮和埃琳娜会帮你的

I'm not neurotic.Yeah, you are,but it's cute, so...

我不是神经质 是 你是 但是这样也挺可爱的 所以...

Look, it's not about the carnival.

听着 这不关狂欢节的事

Ok? It's just that this place is just really depressing.

好吗 这地方真的让人很压抑

That's 'cause you're sitting in the dark.


No, don't!What the hell?Just close it, please.What's wrong with you?Close it.

别 别 到底怎么了 拉上窗帘 求你了 你怎么了 拉上
