《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第2集第8期:揭穿全部恶行(在线收听

What's it look like?It's a moonstone.

是什么样的 一个月光石

It's about the size of a hockey puck,old, ugly, minimal monetary value.Hey, man. Whatever.

有一个冰球那么大 比较旧 不太好看 也不值多少钱 老兄 像这种东西

Um, ask my mom, I guess.Yeah, cool. I'll do that.You ready?Yeah.

问问我妈 她可能知道 对哦 我会问她的 你准备好了 是的

Jeremy.So good to see you alive.Aren't you a little old for a high school carnival?About 150 years too old.

杰里米 看到你活着真高兴呀 您这么大年纪也来高中的嘉年华 150岁确实有点老

Oh, you're pretty funny cracking jokes when I could,I don't know,blow the whole lid off this thing by telling someone what you really are.

你真会说笑 要知道我可以 也许 我可以告诉别人你的真面目 来揭穿你的全部恶行

So please tell me that that is not a threat.Maybe it is.This is what we're not gonna do.

劳烦你跟我说明一下这绝非是在威胁我 说不定就是威胁 我不想跟你这样闹

We're not gonna walk around like we're invincible when it's this easy for me to end you.

我可不想我们若无其事的四处走走 然后到僻静的地儿 轻而易举解决你

If you wanna tell people what I really am,go ahead and try.

要是你非得揭穿我 那你就去啊

I will shove this ring so far up your ass,you'll really have something to choke on.

我会把这戒指塞进你的屁股 到时你就好好体验一下窒息的感觉吧

The doctor said I'm good as new.


He signed me out, and he said I didn't have to wait till morning,so call me when you get this.

他同意我出院了 他说没必要等到明早 收到留言给我回电话

It's dark, thank god.I am so sorry about that.

天黑了 谢天谢地 真的对不起你

Ok, now, what's the story?My husband likes to get kinky.Yes.

好了 现在告诉我 怎么回事 我老公有点变态 很好
