美联社新闻一分钟 AP 拜登指示内阁成员推广基建计划(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


George Floyd's girlfriend testified during Derek Chauvin's trial how both she and Floyd struggled to overcome opioid addiction. Courteney Rosscried on the witness stand Thursday as she told the story of how they first met in 2017.


President Joe Biden convened his first in-person Cabinet meeting Thursday, focusing on his new infrastructure plan. In brief remarks before reporters, Biden announced that he's asking five cabinet members to explain his jobs plan to Americans.


Protesters in Yangon marked two months since the coup that overthrew the elected Myanmar government with a nighttime vigil. Candles illuminated the small gathering as songs and chants filled the air in honor of victims of the military crackdown.


Cargo ships passed through the Suez Canal for a third day after the Ever Given was finally wrenched free after being stuck. A convoy of ships moved down the canal from north to south on Thursday on a busy route for maritime commerce.

