《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第2集第11期:完全康复(在线收听

Elena.What do you want, Damon?

埃琳娜 达蒙你要干嘛

I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now,but I need you to come with me.

我知道你现在最不想见到的人是我 但是我要你跟我走

Whatever it is, I'm not interested.


Yeah, I need you to come with me right now, Elena.

你必须跟我走 埃琳娜

Watch where you're goin'.You got a problem?

你看着点路 你有意见吗

Yeah. You walked right into me.What are you gonna do about it?

对 你撞到我了 你想怎么样

You're kidding, right?Better back off.

你在开玩笑吧 最好别惹我

You hit me again, I swear to god.

你敢再动手 我发誓你会完蛋

Hey! Tyler! Hey.Tyler! Hey!Let go! Get back.What the hell, man?

嘿 泰勒 嘿 泰勒 嘿 松手 退后 搞什么鬼 伙计

Your eyes.Come on.Let's go.You all right, man?

你的眼睛 走吧 我们走 你还好吧 伙计

Why did I just do that?


You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


What are you doin' here?They discharged me. All better.

你怎么来了 他们放我出院了 我完全康复了

Uh, how do you feel? Are...Heh. You know, I feel pretty good.

你感觉如何 非常好

Yeah? 'cause earlier, you were a little I'm all better.All better. Heh heh.Ok. Um...

是吗 之前 你还有点 我完全康复了 完全康复了 好吧

Wanna give it a shot?Yeah. Heh.

想试试吗 好呀
