《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第2集第18期:清楚自己的立场(在线收听

What the hell are you doin' here?You don't lock your front door.

你来这儿干什么 你前门没锁

Yeah.I wouldn't. I...I laced it with vervain.

是的 我不愿 我 我在里面加了马鞭草

Now, why would you do that?So I could stake you with this.

你为什么要这么做 为了用这个钉死你

You came here to kill me?It's only fair. You killed me first.

你是来杀我的 这样才公平 你先要杀我的

What made you wisen up?


My father hated vampires.My uncle, too.

我爸痛恨吸血鬼 我叔叔也是

They were absolute.They knew exactly what they stood for.

他们都很坚决 非常清楚自己的立场

I figure maybe I should, too.I mean stand for something.

我觉得我也该那样 坚定自己的立场

But killing you,What's that gonna do?

但 要杀了你 那又怎么样呢

Look, I don't do the big-brother thing very well.

听着 我不是一个好哥哥

Sorry I don't have any milk and cookies to offer you.

没有牛奶和饼干招待你 抱歉

Dick.Wait.My father hated vampires, too.

混蛋 等等 我父亲也对吸血鬼深恶痛绝

He did?Same reason your dad did.

是吗 跟你父亲一样的原因

Only, it was 1864.People knew how to whittle.

只不过 那是在1864年 当时的人们可是知道怎么削尖木桩的

Did you do this?Yeah, I tried. It's It's a little harder than it looks.

这是你削的吗 是 我试了 这 比想象中的困难些
