《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第3集第10期:勾搭别的单身(在线收听

You busting us, or you joining us?Neither.

你是来干涉我们的 还是来加入我们的 都不是

Hoping you can make sure everyone's out of here by dark.What happens after dark?

我想要你在天黑之前确保大家都离开了 天黑以后会怎样

Someone ends up wasted and dead at the bottom of the lake.

有人会落单 留在这里 淹死在湖底

You heard your mom. The family's liable if anything happens.

你妈妈说过 要是出了事我们家族要负责的

Don't be a party killer.Hey, I didn't say you had to stop partying.I just said you have to take it elsewhere.

拜托别做派对杀手啊 我可没说要你别办派对了 我只是叫你到别的地方去办

All right.We'll be out of here.

知道了 一会儿就走

Why are you looking at him with your serious vampire look?


My what? My "serious vampire look"?Mm-hmm. I mean, it's different from your worried vampire look.

什么 我一副吃人的样子 是啊 跟你担心别人的时候也不一样

Neither of which stray too far from your "hey, it's Tuesday" look."

你这样一点都不像 星期二 好开心啊"的样子

Oh. I get it. Ok.You think I'm, uh, you think I'm too serious.

我明白了 你觉得 你觉得我太严肃了

I mean, I wasn't going to say it like that. But...Hey, Amy.

我可没这么说 不过嘛 艾米你好啊

You know, you're missing all the fun in the water.Ah, not waterproof.Too bad.

你不去玩水不无聊吗 我这个不防水呀 好可惜

So, there's a full moon tonight.We gonna light a fire later and tell ghost stories?

今晚满月 我们一起围着篝火讲鬼故事吧

Uh, I don't know.Matt.What the hell? I've been calling you.I know, I got held up. But I'm here now.

我不知道 马特 怎么回事 我打你一天电话了 我知道 我有事 不过我现在来了嘛

Hey, Caroline.Go find somebody single to stalk, Amy.

你好 卡罗琳 你去勾搭别的单身吧 艾米

Seriously?She was flirting with you.She's harmless. You don't have to be rude.

没搞错吧 她在跟你调情呢 她构不成什么威胁 你没必要这么无礼

You're mad?You've been dodging my calls all day.

你生气了吗 你一整天都不接我电话

And you get to show up here and be the jealous girlfriend?It's kinda lame, Care.

现在又忽然出现 还跟我吃醋 这也太过分了 卡尔
