《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第3集第11期:狼人故事(在线收听

Hey, I saw that. You compelled her.Yeah, she deserved it.

喂 我看见了 你用意念控制她 没错 她活该

Caroline, nobody deserves to have their mind messed with for...shallow reasons.

卡罗琳 不能因为如此浅薄的理由 控制别人的意念

You know, why is everyone sticking up for Amy freaking Bradley?

为什么你们都维护那个神经质 艾米·布兰德利

You're letting your jealousy get the best of you.


Oh, so now I have magnified jealousy issues too.That's great.

是嘛 我的嫉妒心理也被加强了是吧 真是好极了

I told you this wasn't going to be easy.


Yeah, well. Might as well have stayed dead.My entire personality is killing me.Shut up.

是啊 还不如死了一了百了 我这性格真要命不许笑

Any luck?There's nothing in here about Katherine that we don't already know.

有什么发现 这里搜集的凯瑟琳的资料 都是我们已经知道了的

Ah, man.You know, it's a bummer we're not friends anymore.Because I can tell you what I know.

拜托 真糟糕 我们现在不算朋友了 不然的话我可以把我知道的告诉你

Now who's manipulating who?Hey, guys. Check this out.

那你说现在谁又在耍心机 你们来看看这个

There's no record of werewolf mythology in Mystic Falls.


But here are some records of some of the lesser known legends.


Everything from Scandinavian Skinwalkers to the Marshallderats.


Which roughly translates into "the curse of the sun and moon."

翻译过来就是 "日月的诅咒"

It's native American.Aztec.It explains one origin of the werewolf curse traced through Virginia.

是印第安人 阿芝特克人 解读了追溯至弗吉尼亚州的 对狼人的诅咒的起源

The short story... 600 years ago,The Aztecs were plagued by werewolves and vampires.

故事很短 说600多年前 阿芝特克人受到狼人和吸血鬼的困扰

They terrorized the countryside,made farming and hunting impossible.

他们统治了村庄 破坏畜牧和狩猎

Until an Aztec shaman cursed them,Making vampires slaves to the sun and werewolves servants of the moon.

最后 一位阿芝特克巫师对他们下了诅咒 诅咒吸血鬼为太阳的奴隶 而狼人为月亮的仆人

As a result, vampires could only prowl at night,and werewolves could only turn on a full moon.

所以 吸血鬼只能在夜间活动 而狼人只有月满之时才能出来

When the full moon crests in the sky,whosever unlucky enough to fall under the werewolf curse turns into a wolf.

当夜空出现满月的时候 不幸地被诅咒的狼人 就会变为狼形
