《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第1期:明白真相(在线收听

Previously on "The Vampire Diaries".For over a century I have lived in secret.Until now.

《吸血鬼日记》前情提要 过去的一个多世纪 我都秘密地活着 直到现在

I know the risk, but I have to know her.What are you?I'm a vampire.

我知道这很冒险 但我必须要认识她 你到底是什么 我是吸血鬼

You must be Ms. Pierce.Please. Call me Katherine.

您一定是皮尔斯小姐了 请称呼我凯瑟琳

I was never in love with you, Katherine.So none of my feelings were real.

凯瑟琳 我从没爱过你 所以我那时的感情都不是真的

Believe what you want, Stefan.But I know the truth.

斯特凡 随你怎么想 反正我明白真相

So, the black sheep returns.Tyler?Who's the guy with Carol?Mason Lockwood.

败家子回来了啊 泰勒 那个和卡罗尔说话的人是谁 梅森·洛克伍德

You know where I can find any family artifact stuff?


I'm just lookin' for this old piece of my mom's.It's a moonstone.

我只是想找找我妈的一件遗物 一块月光石

I think the Lockwoods have a family secret.They're not vampires. They're something else.

我觉得洛克伍德家族有不为人知的秘密 他们不是吸血鬼 是其他物种

The lycanthrope.Werewolves?It was you.I've had her blood.Katherine obviously killed her."A" plus "B" equals...

人狼互变兽 狼人吗 是你 我喂她喝了我的血 之后明显凯瑟琳又杀了她 两件事一起 就导致了

I'm starving.Katherine.Don't be frightened.We're going to have so much fun together.

我好饿 凯瑟琳 别怕 我们还要一起找很多乐子呢

Look who found his dancing shoes.Uh! No touching, Mr. Salvatore. Those are the rules.

瞧瞧 哪位帅哥跳得这么好 不能接触哦 萨尔瓦托先生 这是规矩

I thought you didn't believe in rules.My brother's still upset that you chose me to escort you.

我以为你不是循规蹈矩的人 我哥还在为你选我做舞伴而郁闷

Well, Damon needs to concede that his younger brother is a better dancer.

达蒙得承认 他弟弟舞跳得更好

Oh, looks like he found someone to occupy his time.Elena...Stefan, don't.Elena!

看来 他找到人打发时间了啊 埃琳娜 斯特凡 别走 埃琳娜
