《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第10期:不会改变事实(在线收听

What are you doing here?I told you I would come.

你怎么来了 我告诉过你我会来的

Well, I'm tired. You should go.

我累了 你该走了

Did my little brother's confession overwhelm you?


You shouldn't eavesdrop.


Is my love not enough?I told you. I'm tired.

我对你的爱还不够吗 我说过了 我累了

I wish to be alone tonight. Please leave.Good night, Katherine.

今晚我想自己呆着 请你离开 晚安 凯瑟琳

Go ahead, Stefan.Torture me, keep me captive,drain me of blood until my body turns to dust.It'll never change the truth.

继续啊 斯特凡 把我囚禁起来 折磨我 不给我喝血 直到我化为尘土 但还是不会改变事实

I never compelled your love.


It was real. And so was mine.

你对我的感情是真的 我对你也是真的

Dress! Ballerina!Puppy! Puppy!Puppy with a tutu.

裙子 芭蕾舞 小狗 小狗 穿芭蕾舞裙的小狗狗

No.Dog. Hound dog.You ain't nothing but a hound dog!"Dances with wolves."

不对 狗 猎狗 你画的就是个猎狗啊 《与狼共舞》

Mason wins...again.How is that a wolf?!

梅森又猜对了 那根本不像狼啊

Aunt Jenna's getting tipsy.Will you stop playing her with alcohol?I want her to like me.

珍娜姨妈有点醉了 你能不劝她酒吗 我只是想让她喜欢我

How's operation Lockwood?He's my new BFF.There you are.

洛克伍德计划实行得怎么样了 他已经是我的新死党了 你在这啊

Isn't this fun?Yes. Thank you so much for inviting me.Did I have a choice?

有意思吧 是啊 谢谢你邀请我 我有选择吗

I know what you must think about me.No, you don't.

我知道你对我的看法 不 你不知道

You've never dated you.I have dated many yous.

你没试过和你这样的人约会 我可领教过很多次了

Well, I'm a work in progress.

