《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第5集第1期:流着狼人的血(在线收听

Previously on The Vampire Diaries...For over a century, I have lived in secret.

《吸血鬼日记》前情回顾 过去的一个多世纪 我都秘密地活着

Until now. I know the risk.But I have to know her.

直到现在 我知道这很冒险 但我必须去认识她

What are you?I'm a vampire.

你到底是什么 我是吸血鬼

He told me about your ex, Katherine?That she broke your heart.

他跟我说了你的前女友 凯瑟琳 她伤了你的心

It was a long time ago.How do we look exactly alike?

很久以前了 我们怎么会长得一模一样

I don't want you seeing Elena anymore.


If you don't remove her from your life,I will kill everyone that she loves.

你要是不把她从你的生命中清除 我会让她亲眼看着我杀了所有她爱的人

She wants us to fight.She wants get between us.She already has, Elena.

她就是让我们吵嘴 她就是想介入我们之间 埃琳娜 她已经介入了

Katherine.We're going to have so much fun together.

凯瑟琳 我们还要一起找很多乐子呢

The Lockwoods are werewolves.


The werewolf gene runs in the Lockwood family.


Tried to kill a werewolf and failed.

我想干掉一个狼人 没成功

Now I feel like I'm not living up to my best self.


Now you've made an enemy.


Tell me what triggers the curse!You have to kill somebody!

告诉我怎么唤醒诅咒 你得去杀人

Ok, Carlos. That's it for me.

卡洛斯 结账

Mason.Hey, Jimmy, easy. Let's get you home.

梅森 吉米 淡定 我载你回家吧

Screw you.I know about you and Marla.

去你的 我知道你和玛拉有一腿

What are you talking about?


You've had too much to drink. Let's Dude. What's up? It's me, Mason.

你喝醉了 我们 靠 你怎么回事 我是梅森啊

I'm not messing with Marla. You know that.

我没有跟玛拉一起 你知道的

You don't want to do this, buddy.I'm gonna kill you.

你不是跟我来真的吧 我要杀了你
