《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第5集第4期:整天公务缠身(在线收听

Are you off today?The historical society volunteer picnic is today.

你今天不用上班吗 今天是历史协会志愿者聚餐日

You're the one who signed me up.I know. I just assumed you'd bail.

是你替我报名的 我知道 我以为你不会去的呢

Nope. I'm going to spend the whole day with my daughter.

不 我要借此机会和我女儿待一整天

You're going to pretend to be a mother?


I'll bring my gun if it gets rough.Come on. Give me one day.

我会带上枪的 以防危急情况 拜托 不就一天嘛

I've been buried in work mode. I've barely seen you.

我整天公务缠身 见你一面都很困难

Well, be warned. I'm in a mood.Goodie for me.

先提醒你一下 我最近心情不太好 我不会在意的

What was Elena doing here so late last night?


Elena wasn't.Yes. Um...Elena was here.Uh, she just needed to talk.

埃琳娜没有 噢 是啊 埃琳娜是来过 她只是想跟我谈谈

Her and stefan are going through a rough patch.


Is everything OK with you?I'm fine.It's just lately, you seem different.

你还好吧 我很好 你最近似乎有点不太一样

I'm not different. I'm fine.

哪有不一样嘛 我很好

I know you think I don't notice these things,but I do.

我知道你觉得我不会注意到你细微的变化 但我注意到了

What's going on with you?


You know, there's pretending to be mother,And then, there's reality.

你要知道 想做好妈妈是一回事 实际情况又是另外一回事了

Let's not push our luck, ok?

我们不要太勉强 好吗

This is all part of the historical society's continuing efforts to give back to the community.

这次聚餐是历史协会 长期以来回馈镇民的活动之一

Thanks to the generous donation of the Fell family,we are now standing on the site of our newest public park.


Thank you to everyone who has shown up today to lend a helping hand.Thanks.

感谢今天所有前来帮忙的镇民 谢谢
