《丑女贝蒂》精讲 70改变自己适应商业圈(在线收听

Hilda:You didn't get in, did you?

你没进去 是吗

Betty:I have to go e-mail Daniel his itinerary for tomorrow.

我得去给Daniel发封邮件 告诉他明天的行程

Hilda:Sit down, Betty.

坐下 Betty

Why do you do this to yourself, hmm?

你为什么要这样对待自己 唔

I keep telling you, those places aren't for people like us.


Betty:Hilda, please, just... don't.

Hilda 请 别再说了

Hilda:Okay. Okay, look.

好吧 好吧 听着

If this is so important to you, let me help you.

如果这对你真的这么重要的话 让我来帮你



Hilda:I am the top-selling Herbalux sale associate in my district.


And all because I know how to sell myself——the hair, the face, the clothes.

而且最重要的是我知道怎样推销自己 发型 面妆 服饰

You gotta look it to be it.That's the Herbalux way.

你得好好研究研究 这就是Herbalux的方式

Betty:Thanks, but I don't think so.


Hilda:Betty, mama...you wanna fit in with these people?

Betty 我的小姐 你想适应这个圈子

I got news for you——they're not gonna change.

我告诉你 他们是不会改变的

Mnh-mnh. You have to.


I'm gonna get chocolate sauce.

所以只能是你改变 我去拿点巧克力酱
