时差N小时 雪上加霜(在线收听


Imagine a situation where a person has needlesslybeen injured by another. The injured person isnaturally hoping for some help. Instead, the cruelone who injured that person starts shouting terrible, insulting words. Thus, the victim has now beeninjured both physically and emotionally. It is a kindof double injury, making an already bad situationbecome worse.


Now, to use this expression as an idiom, there has to be a situation in which something badcaused by another person becomes worse because of them. There need not be any actualphysical injury, and no one may actually be speaking insulting words. However, it is clearsomeone feels injured in some way, and that injury is being increased, not lessened. Forexample, if a friend breaks your favorite dish, that is a kind of first injury. If that friend thencriticizes you for having cheap, easily broken dishes, that is adding insult to injury.

