《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第6集第8期:民间的传说(在线收听

I'm gonna go get an extension cord. I'll be right back.

我去找条延长线 马上回来

Hey, man.Hey.Hey, so I did a little research on that stone you showed me.

嗨 嗨 我研究了一下你给我看过的石头

What? Why?I don't know.Curiosity, boredom.

什么 为什么 没什么原因 出于好奇 闲着无聊

What'd it say? Well, it turns out that it's part of this Aztec legend,

那研究出什么了吗 嗯 这石头 有一个阿芝特克传说

but I want to make sure it's the same kind of stone.


Do you think I could check it out again?Nope. Gave it to my uncle.

我能再看一下吗 不行 我已经给我叔叔了

Why'd you do that?Because I'm done with legends and curses.

为什么要给他 我受够了这些传说和诅咒

I don't want anything to do with it, ok?Yeah. Yeah, sure.

我不想再和这些东西有牵连 明白吧 当然 我理解

It's probably just stupid folklore anyways.Forget it.

反正这些没准也只是民间杜撰的传说而已 当我没问过

Ok. Ok.This is as far as I go.Ok.

好了 已经走得够远了 好

What do you want? A favor.Like that's going to happen.

你想要什么 想请你帮忙 你觉得我会帮你的忙吗

So predictable. That's why I brought him.

不出所料 所以我才带他来了

I know how you feel about helping us out,


but since you're the one that linked to Mason with Katherine,

但是因为你 我们知道了梅森 和凯瑟琳是一伙的

we finally have an opportunity to get an upper hand on both of them,so just hear us out. Pretty please.

我们终于有机会 能够先发制人 所以先听我们说完 拜托了
