《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第7集第9期:置身事外(在线收听

I thought this room could work.It's perfect.

我看这间屋可以 完美

Is that the spellbook I read about in my family's old journal?


It was my ancestor, Emily's.


The spell I'm doing here is similar to the one that sealed the vampires into the tomb.

我现在要施的这个咒语 跟之前把吸血鬼锁在墓穴里的咒语一样

Can you do all the stuff that's in there?


It takes practice.I've worked on some small spells.

得多练习才行 我只研习过一些小法术

Spells that only do good. I don't wanna know too much.

正义的法术 别的我不想知道太多

I don't particularly enjoy any of this,in case you haven't noticed.

我真的不喜欢这个 你该注意到了

But you're 100% witch. That is so cool.It's anything but cool.

但你是个纯正的女巫 太酷了 一点都不酷

Did your family journals tell you what happened to Emily?


Or how about my grams?It never ends well for people like me.

或者我外婆 我们这种人都没什么好下场的

If you feel that way, why help?

如果你这么想的 为什么还来帮忙

Because I don't want anyone else getting hurt.


And...I don't know how to stay out of it.

而且 我也不知道该怎么置身事外

I feel like an invalid.That's because you are an invalid.

我感觉像个残废 因为你目前确实残疾啊

Where's Jeremy? Isn't he hungry?

杰里米呢 他不饿吗

He already left for the Lockwood party.

他走了啊 去参加洛克伍德的舞会了

He went to that? I'm glad. He needs to have more fun.

他去参加了 我很欣慰 他应该多娱乐

Lose some of that emo-thing.I'm gonna get some napkins.

别整天这么忧郁 我去拿点餐巾纸

What's going on?What do you mean?

怎么回事 什么意思

I haven't heard from anyone all day.It's like everyone's been avoiding me.And now Jeremy's supposedly at the party?

今天一整天都没有大家的消息 好像大家都躲着我似的 现在据说杰里米也去了舞会

He hates stuff like that.I don't know what to tell you, Elena.

他不喜欢舞会的 我也不知道怎么解释 埃琳娜
