2021年经济学人 以诗喃吟唱愤怒与希望(2)(在线收听

Actually, Goma’s slammers do both. Their city has been surrounded by warring armed groups for over 20 years. Rebels, who generally fund themselves by smuggling gold, coltan and wood, often kidnap people on nearby roads. In February men wielding Kalashnikovs intercepted two UN cars less than 30 miles from Goma; they hauled out the Italian ambassador, his bodyguard and driver and shot them. People in the region are slaughtered with machetes and guns every month. Militiamen terrorise women by raping them.


Ms Zaburi and four other female slammers help women who have been raped or beaten in weekly “slam-o-therapy” workshops. The participants—some attacked by rebels, others by their husbands—learn to write about their experiences. One of their number, Deborah, slams about what the group means to her: “I love you, you respect me, we give each other advice, we are working together to build a community,” she intones in Swahili. When Deborah was 15, her parents forced her to marry a man who came home drunk and beat her most nights. She gave birth to a child who died in infancy and eventually ran away from the abuse. Slam helps her relax, she says. “It is a way to have fun, to destress, it helps me to put the pain behind me.”


The men who established the slam scene in Goma are also among the city’s most prominent activists. Mr Kamuntu, for example, wrote some of his best slam in prison, where he was locked up for two months after protesting against the refusal of Joseph Kabila, a former president, to leave power. But slam in Congo is about more than airing political anger. Goma’s young slammers are exuberant. “People tell tales about what has happened in their neighbourhoods, recount love stories, make jokes,” Mr Kamuntu says. “Even if there is no electricity in a street, there is still life in that street and a joy at being alive that must be expressed.”

