《再次出发之纽约遇见你》精讲 08幕后功臣(在线收听

Hey! There he is. Big Dave.What's up, kid? How you doing, brother?Good to see you. Gretta?Nice to meet you.

终于来了 巨星戴夫 你好啊 戴夫 很高兴见到你 格蕾塔 很高兴见到你

Come on in, guys.

进来吧 大伙儿

Put Dave at the head of the table. All right, I like it.

大家好让戴夫坐前面 我喜欢

You guys, you meet everyone? Hi, everybody.

见过他们了吗 大家好

My assistant, Mim, the beautiful Mim. This is,Mildred from marketing. Billy there is social media

我美丽的助理 米姆 这位是...市场部的米尔德里德 比利是公关部的

The rest of the gang you'll meet, spend time with.

剩下的同事你会慢慢认识 一起共事

So, uh, Gretta, you're gonna play guitar on a track or two, I hope, right?

格蕾塔 有一两首歌想请你用吉他伴奏 可以吧

Oh, yeah, sure. I mean, if Dave wants.

没问题啊 如果戴夫想的话

Yeah, Gretta and I have been writing together for a couple years now,even before the film came along.


So I would love for us to try a couple of her songs.


Did you... did you write on the film with him?


No. No, no, no. No, I... No?

不不不 不是吗

I mean, that's the sound we're after is from the movie, right?

我们想要的是电影里的那个歌声 对吧

Of course. Oui?Yes, yes. Si? Capice?Yes, I just, you know...Gretta's very much a part of the inspiration behind everything, you know, so I just thought...She's not just my girlfriend. We're partners almost.

当然 是吗 是的是的 真的吗 我只是...格蕾塔就是我的灵感女神 我的幕后功臣 我想说的是 我们不仅是恋人 还是搭档

I just wanted to include her.


Um, just to be completely clear,I'm... I'm just tagging along on this.I'm really happy to be here and more than happy to accompany Dave on a couple of tracks.

在这里说明一下 我只是跟着他过来的 能来这里我就很高兴了 能跟戴夫合作几首歌就更开心了

How sweet is this girl? I love that. How great are these guys? I love them.

这女孩真懂事 我喜欢 这俩人真贴心 我爱他们
