美联社新闻一分钟 AP 拜登警告加油站:不要哄抬物价(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention is easing indoor mask-wearing guidance for fully vaccinated people, allowing them to safely stop wearing masks in most places.


The new guidance will still call for masks in crowded setting like buses, planes, hospitals, prisons and homeless shelters.


President Joe Biden is warning gas stations not to engage in price gouging as motorists wait for fuel to start flowing again through the Colonial Pipeline.

美国总统拜登警告加油站不要哄抬油价,因为司机们正在等待科洛尼尔管道公司(Colonial Pipeline)恢复石油管道运输服务。

He also pledged an aggressive response to the cyberattackers who caused the interruption.


Muslims are celebrating the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan,

穆斯林正在庆祝伊斯兰节日开斋节(Eid al-Fitr),这标志着神圣的斋月结束,

balancing social and religious rituals with coronavirus concerns.


For most of us in the United States, this year's celebration is promising to be closer to normal than last year's as America charts a path back to normalcy from the pandemic.


A small plane experiencing mechanical trouble made an emergency landing on a busy tollway in suburban Chicago on Thursday.


At least three people had minor injuries when the plane came down in the southbound lanes of Interstate 355 in New Lenox.

