2021年经济学人 中国首个空间站核心舱"天和"发射成功(在线收听

The world this week




India’s second wave of COVID-19 gained strength. The number of infections detected hit new records, with some 380,000 on April 28th alone. The official death toll surpassed 200,000, though evidence grew that many more fatalities are going unrecorded. Shortages of beds and oxygen afflicted many hospitals. The government ordered Twitter to remove posts critical of its handling of the epidemic, sparking widespread outrage. India now accounts for around 40% of the world’s new recorded infections.


An Indonesian general died in a shoot-out with separatists in Papua province, in Indonesia's half of the island of New Guinea. Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha was the first Indonesian general ever to be killed in action.


Fighters from the Karen National Liberation Army, an insurgent group, captured an outpost on the Thai border from the Burmese army. Several rebel groups have taken advantage of the chaos in Myanmar to seize territory.


China began construction of an orbiting space station with the launch of Tianhe (“harmony of the heavens”), the first of three planned modules. When finished in 2022, the station will be a fifth the size of the existing International Space Station.


The Census Bureau reported that America’s population stood at 331.4m on April 1st 2020. That was an increase of 7.4% since 2010, the slowest rate of decennial growth since the Depression. Texas gained 4m people, the most of any state; Utah’s population grew the most in percentage terms: 18%. California remains the most populous state, but it will lose a congressional seat for the first time ever.


California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, will probably face an election to recall him from office later this year, after a conservative-driven petition to remove him gathered enough signatures to qualify for the ballot.

加州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)很可能在今年晚些时候面临罢免他的选举,此前一份由保守派推动的罢免请愿书已经收集到足够的签名,可以举行这次投票。

Joe Biden used the 106th anniversary of atrocities committed by Turkey against Armenians during the first world war to define them as genocide, the first time an American president has formally done so. More than 1m Armenians were deported or died at the hands of the Ottomans. Turkey protested, but its reaction was less intense than some had feared.


Mario Draghi, the prime minister of Italy, laid out his government’s plans for rebuilding the economy after COVID in the form of a 248bn euros ($300bn) spending package. Almost all the money will come from the EU, which has imposed some tough reform conditions. Fulfilling them will be tricky.

意大利总理马里奥·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)以2480亿欧元(合3000亿美元)支出计划的形式,阐述了意大利政府在新冠肺炎疫情后重建经济的计划。几乎所有的资金都将来自欧盟,欧盟已经施加了一些严苛的改革条件。满足这些条件是非常棘手的。
