《丑女贝蒂》精讲 176穿着比基尼泳装上飞机?(在线收听

Oh. Oh, hey, Matt.

嗨 Matt

Which heels go better with my bikini? These or these?

哪双高跟鞋更配我的比基尼 这双还是这双

I like those. You're not gonna wear that on the plane, are you?

我喜欢你脚上那双 你不会上飞机也穿这身吧

You're right. I'll freeze.

说的很对 我会冻死

Oh , hi. Do you have my messages?


That's great. It's the same thing.

非常棒 一样的

Be sure to pack the portfolios in my carry-on. I want us to work on the flight.

一定要把文件装到我的行李箱里 坐飞机的时候我们也要工作

Wouldn't want any downtime?


And do not pack your bathing suit. I don't want any temptation to relax.

不要带你的泳衣 我不要看到任何诱惑节目来放松

God forbid.


What is up with the muttering? Why do you seem dissatisfied serving me?

碎碎念 说什么呢 为什么为我工作让你这么失望

It's not fair,Willie. Everyone else is gonna be there having fun except for us.

这不公平 Willie 每个人到那都可以玩 除了咱俩

And what's the point? We don't even have jobs to come back to.

更重要的是 我们回来后甚至没事做

Marc, I will get that position at "isabella," and as usual,you will be my assistant. Think positive.

Marc 我会得到Isabella的位置 照例 你还是我的助理 乐观点

I am. I am positive I need a vacation. Oh, I meant to mutter that.

我很乐观 我敢肯定我需要一个休假 噢 我应该小声说的

Congratulations, Betty. You're going on a trip. And this time, you won't be hidden in a wheel.

恭喜 Betty 你要出差了 这一次不用藏在车子里了

You're working for me in the Bahamas. Uh... Nuttery, you just got a vacation.

你要在巴哈马为我工作 碎碎念先生 你现在有假期了

Oh, um, actually, I-I don't think I can...

噢 事实上 我不想

Leave with tomorrow's group.


I can see myself in your glasses. So, uh... Yeah.

我能从眼镜里看到自己 所以 是的
