《丑女贝蒂》精讲 178我要跟你谈谈(在线收听

Ooh, a bikini. How fresh.

一件比基尼 真新鲜

We'll set the fashion world on fire with this.


And this one doesn't know what it wants to be.


It's the Anne Heche of swimwear.


Get rid of all of them. I want new options.

把这些全部都扔掉 给我换点新的

Has one thing gone right today?


Ou found a wrangler for the models.


And they're terrified of her.


The locals say she caught a shark with her bare hands.

本地人说 她曾赤手空拳抓住了鲨鱼

Breaking news! Fashion alert!

最新消息 时尚警报

Hover over the shoulder of the photographer.


His confidence is bugging me.


Thank you. Thank you so much.

谢谢你 太谢谢你们了

It is with humble gratitude that I announce my new position as editor-in-chief of Isabella magazine.

怀着无比感激的心情 我宣布我的新职位是Isabella杂志的总编辑

Penelope Graybridge.

Penelope Graybridge。

And I couldn't have done any of it without my beautiful daughter and my husband.

如果没有我可爱的女儿和丈夫的支持 我不可能成就这一切

How could a girl get so lucky?


Hi, Amanda. Betty. What are you doing here?

嗨 Amanda Betty 你在这里干嘛

Wilhelmina asked me to come. You seem alarmed to see me.

Wilhelmina让我来的 看到我 你好像很惊慌呀

No, I don't. Really? Are you sure?

不 我没有 是吗 你确定吗

Because I'm giving you the chance to be upfront about whether or not,


you might be dating a certain guy that we both know.


We're talking about Matt, right?

我们说的是Matt 对吧

Yes. Amanda. Amanda, come on. Let's just talk about this.

对 Amanda Amanda 别这样 我们来谈谈
