新托福听写训练 第11期(在线收听

I like to start discuss today lecture by challenging some of the myths about certain animals considered to be predators of human. Take the case of wolf, people fear wolves because the tales of how wolves attack and eat people walking into the woods. In fact, if you encountered the wolves in the wild, it will probably run away. Another animal wrongly accuse to harming people is the giant octopus. Stories have been told about the terrifying giant octopus attacking and eating an entire ship. But unless you are the crab or some such, you don't have much to fear for a giant octopus, even the hungry one. One myth probably get by such stories concerns the size of octopus.

?Biologists report that on average it has an arm standard on 2 and half meters, large certainly but hardly a ship eating size. Far from being an attacker, the giant octopus have a number of talents that make it specially adapt escaping, it has no skeletal structure, so despite its large size, it can squeeze to a hole whole as small as five centimeters wide and if it's caught. For example, in the mouth of the shark, it can pull away leaving one or more its arms. They will grow back or it has been pursued, it squirts black ink which some scientists believe that takes on the form of another octopus and thus confuse the predator. And if that is not enough, the giant octopus has the chameleon like ability to change the skin colors to match its surrounding.
