《丑女贝蒂》精讲 195换装寻子(在线收听

Mrs. Meade! You'll be landing at the Sioux Falls regional airport at 2:35.

米德太太 你将在2:35分抵达苏族瀑布地区的机场

I'm sorry I didn't book it sooner,


but those dopes at the international terminal kept telling me I was calling the wrong place.


Amanda, am I doing the right thing, chasing after my lost son?

阿曼达 我去找我抛弃的孩子 这合适吗 万一

I mean, what if he has a terrible life because I gave him up?

因为我的错 他生活的一团糟怎么办

What if he doesn't want to know me? What... what if he hates me?

或者他根本不想认识我 或者他恨我呢

Mrs. Meade, you're putting way too much pressure on my hand.

米德夫人 你实在是太用力 抓着我的手了

Oh. Look, you just have to show up and see him. And you'll know what to do next.

听着 你应该去见见他再做决定

Thank you, Amanda. But not looking like that. Wh...

多谢 阿曼达 不过最好换换衣服

You're going to south Dakota.

你是去南达科塔 要协调下

You have to blend in. Less "money," and more "food stamp."

别这么富态 显得穷一点

Come on. We're gonna give you a make-under.

来吧 给你换身行头

I've got the silver fox on the move.

