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This is AP News Minute.


British prime minister Boris Johnson is delaying the easing of coronavirus restrictions in England until July 19th, because of the spread of a virus variant. Johnson says he's confident a four week delay will be enough to get milions more people fully vaccinated against the virus.

英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)将英国放宽新冠病毒的限制推迟至7月19日,原因是一种病毒变种的传播。约翰逊称,他相信推迟四周足以让数百万人完全接种疫苗。

Vice President Kamala Harris is in South Carolina to kick off a monthlong push by the White House to get more Americans vaccinated before the July 4th holiday. The administration is working to provide free transportation and childcare for people getting their vaccinations.

美国副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)正在南卡罗来纳启动白宫为期一个月的行动,即在7月4日假期前让更多美国人接种疫苗。拜登政府正在努力为接种疫苗的人们提供免费的交通和托儿服务。

President Joe Biden met with the president of Turkey on the sidelines of the NATO Summit Monday but said little about their talks in a later photo session. The Turkish president was focused on the country's acquisition of a Russian air defense system, which led to Turkey being removed from the US F-35 fighter program.


Emergency crews were battling a massive fire at a northern Illinois chemical plant that exploded into flames Monday morning. Huge plumes of thick black smoke prompted officials to evacuate residents and business near the Chemtool plant near Rockton.

