美国有线新闻 CNN 拜登承认奥斯曼帝国对亚美尼亚人种族灭绝(在线收听

Which of these empire dissolved the most recently? Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Prussia, Qing Dynasty or Russian Empire. Of these options only the Ottoman Empire lasted until 1922.


In 1914, the Ottoman Empire was home to about 2 million Armenians, an ancient group of people who lived in the region. By 1922, the number of Armenians in what had become Turkey had fallen to 400,000. What happened to them? Armenians say it was genocide. That during World War I, the Ottoman Empire murdered or forced hundreds of thousands of Armenians to flee and there is photographic evidence that large numbers of Armenians were killed. Turkey strongly opposes the use of the world genocide. Its government says Turkish and Armenian lives were lost during World War I and that the number of Armenians who died is closer to 300,000. The term genocide has divided Turkey and Armenia. It's also a word that American leaders have hesitated to use.


The last one who referred to the genocide of Armenians was former President Ronald Reagan in 1981. But this month, President Joe Biden officially recognized the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey rejected his statement and said it would worsen the nations relationship but that country's leader also said he aims to open a new door with the U.S. this June.

