2021年经济学人 人猴杂交(1)(在线收听

Experimental biology


Fantastic beasts and how to make them


Researchers have created embryos from a mix of monkey cells and human ones


The ancient greeks were good at inventing fantastical animals. The chimera, for instance, was "a thing of immortal make, not human, lion-fronted and snake behind, a goat in the middle". It was eventually slain by Bellerophon, with help from his flying horse.


Not all chimeras are mythological. To biologists, the term describes organisms whose bodies consist of cells from two distinct lineages. In twin pregnancies, for example, one twin can occasionally absorb the other. The resulting individual is built from cells with separate genomes. A 2019 forensic-science conference discussed the case of a man who had received a bone-marrow transplant. Since bone marrow produces blood cells, subsequent DNA tests on the man's blood matched his donor's genome, not his own. (More unexpectedly, the donor's DNA also turned out to be present in swabs taken from the man's cheeks, and in his semen.)


For several decades scientists have been experimenting with cross-species chimeras, organisms which, as in the Greek myths, are composites of different animals. They have created mouse-rats, sheep-goats and chicken-quails. Now, in a paper published in Cell, Tao Tan, a biologist at Kunming University of Science and Technology, and a team of American, Chinese and Spanish researchers, report efforts to extend the principle to humans. They have managed to create embryos that are part-monkey and part-human.


The work builds on earlier endeavours by many of the same researchers. In 2017 Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte, a biologist at the Salk Institute in San Diego, announced the creation of chimeric humanpig embryos. But quite how successful those efforts were is uncertain. Only about one cell in 100,000 in the embryos were human, and it was unclear whether they contributed to the organism's growth. This time things are different. The human cells seem happy to co-operate, at least some of the time, with the monkey ones.

