2021年经济学人 我是男还是女,这是个问题(2)(在线收听

There is also evidence that the drugs may cause serious harm. One example is described by Michael Biggs of Oxford University in a letter published on April 26th in the Journal of Paediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. Bone-mineral density (BMD) usually rises sharply in puberty. But of 24 GIDS patients who had been prescribed puberty blockers, a third had BMD scores in the bottom 2% of their age groups (more that two standard deviations below the mean).


One patient, who began puberty blockers aged 12, suffered four fractures by the age of 16. That medical history, says Dr Biggs, would usually be enough to diagnose osteoporosis—normally a disease of the elderly. Animal studies suggest puberty blockers may cause cognitive damage, too. Cross-sex hormones have been linked to heart disease, strokes and sterility.


The combination of rising prescriptions and flimsy evidence leads some doctors to fear a medical scandal is brewing. Others think that the only scandal would be to change course. A bill before Canada's parliament, for instance, would leave affirmation as the only legal treatment for gender dysphoria. The argument continues.

