2021年经济学人 一种用于飞机和导弹的新型燃料即将问世(1)(在线收听

Hypersonic flight


The rockets' green glare


A new fuel for jets and missiles is on the cards


The latest buzzword in the world's aerospace skunk works is "hypersonic". Speed and surprise have always been essential to warfare, and what better way to wrong-foot an enemy than by arriving unexpectedly on his doorstep in the form of an aircraft or missile travelling at Mach 5


In that context, a notice posted at the beginning of the year by America's navy, soliciting proposals for a new research project, is intriguing. The project's objective is to "determine a form of boron or a boron-based chemical pathway that leads to implementation of boron in energetic compounds, especially fuels (solid and liquid)". The navy's engineers, it seems, are trying to revive an idea that might make hypersonic flight easier to achieve, but which was tested and then abandoned more than half a century ago. They hope to spice up aviation and rocket fuel with a long-neglected element.


Boron, atomic number five on the periodic table, is chemically a "metalloid"— meaning that it inhabits the debatable marcher lands between the empires of the metals proper, on the table's left-hand side, and the non-metals, on its right. Compounds of boron feature in washing powders and cleaning products ("borax"), antiseptics and water softeners, and also as additives in fibreglass, but such roles are humdrum. Boron does, though, burn like billy-o, generating a bright, green flame and releasing about 40% more energy per kilogram than conventional aviation fuel.


In light of this, and of reports by spies of green flames emerging from the exhaust of an experimental Soviet rocket, America's air force experimented in the 1950s with stuff nicknamed zip fuel, which was laced with compounds of boron called boranes. The project was abandoned in 1959, for two good reasons. First, boranes proved extremely dangerous. They are toxic, meaning those working with them need special gas masks. They also ignite spontaneously in air, and may even explode. At least eight people involved in the zip-fuel project died in borane-related accidents.

