2021年经济学人 昆虫阉割术,从根上消灭害虫(1)(在线收听

Pest control




Genetic engineering may help control disease-carrying mosquitoes


Every year, hundreds of millions of people catch mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue fever. Hundreds of thousands die. Drug treatments are imperfect. And, despite decades of effort, vaccines have, for many of these diseases, proved tricky to develop.


Better, then, to stop those infections happening in the first place, by exterminating—or at least suppressing—the mosquitoes that carry the diseases. In a paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of researchers led by Craig Montell, of the University of California, Santa Barbara, describe how CRISPR-CAS9, a new and powerful genetic-engineering process, could help to do just that.


Dr Montell and his colleagues used CRISPR to boost an existing control method called the sterile insect technique (SIT). This involves releasing lots of sterilised males into the wild. Females that mate with these males produce no offspring. Repeated releases can reduce populations dramatically. SIT has been used in North America to eliminate screwworm flies, an agricultural pest, and to suppress several species of crop-munching fruit flies.


It has been tried on mosquitoes, too, but with less success. One reason seems to be side-effects of the procedure. To sterilise them, males are zapped with radiation or exposed to toxic chemicals. This works, but it damages them in other ways, too. The result can be sickly individuals that struggle to compete in the mating game with their wild counterparts.


Dr Montell and his colleagues hoped that CRISPR might offer an alternative. Their first step was to look for genes which, when disabled, would render male mosquitoes infertile. They began their hunt in fruit flies, a stalwart of genetic research. They focused on a gene that, when removed, made male fruit flies sterile—and which was present in a similar form in their target mosquito species, Aedes aegypti, which is the vector of, among other illnesses, yellow fever, dengue and Zika virus. Disabling the equivalent gene in male Aedeslikewise left them infertile.

