2021年经济学人 新款集水网--天网恢恢,疏而不漏(2)(在线收听

Previous attempts to do this have coated the threads with metal. But that is expensive. As they describe in ACS Nano, Dr Stachewicz and her student Daniel Ura have done it by changing the way the threads are spun, which is cheap.

之前的尝试是在螺纹上涂上一层金属,但成本很高。正如他们在《ACS Nano》杂志中描述的那样,斯塔切薇兹博士和她的学生丹尼尔·尤拉通过改变纺线的方式实现了这一目标,这种方式成本很低。

At the moment, those threads are created by a process called melt-spinning. This involves melting the polymer and pushing the resulting liquid through a hollow needle, out of a hole in the needle's tip and onto a spinning drum, where it cools and solidifies. Dr Stachewicz and Mr Ura propose instead to use a technique called electrospinning. This also involves a hollow needle. But instead of being melted, the polymeris dissolved in a solvent, and instead of being propelled from the needle's tip by pressure from behind, it is attracted to the drum by the creation of an electrical potential difference between the drum and the needle. As the stream of dissolved polymer travels through the air, the solvent evaporates, leaving behind a solid thread.


One consequence of electrospinning is that the voltage attracting the thread from needle to drum also attracts or repels, according to their polarity, the charges on the molecules within. This reorients those molecules, aligning them (and thus their charges) in a way that does not happen in a melt-spun thread. That can create the sort of polarity difference between the interior and the exterior of a thread the two researchers were looking for.


Dr Stachewicz and Mr Ura experimented with different potential differences between needle and drum and eventually found one that resulted in meshes able to collect 50% more water than commercial versions, at no extra cost of production. At the moment these are just prototypes, but they expect soon to have a practical version which can be made available for sale. And that will certainly improve the lives of people who rely for their survival on drawing water not from a well, but from thin air.

