2021年经济学人 华尔街巨骗伯纳德·麦道夫在狱中去世(2)(在线收听

Happy because, in that mysterious office, he was carrying on the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. It was simplicity itself. The money sent to him by new investors was used to pay existing investors, as well as any redemptions (which he honoured in full and promptly).


Some was also diverted into beach houses for him and the family in Long Island and Cap d’Antibes, and into trips to Las Vegas for the accounts manager. The money flowed round and round in a delightfully circular way.

他挪用部分资金为家人购置了位于长岛(Long Island)和昂蒂布海角(Cap d’antibes)的海滨别墅,以及支付客户经理往返拉斯维加斯的开销。资金流以一种令人愉快的方式循环起来。

And there was plenty of it: by 2001 he was managing billions, and his clients included Tufts and Yeshiva universities (he was a trustee of Yeshiva), hsbc, Nomura, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Steven Spielberg, John Malkovich and several Jewish charities.


As a Jewish boy from Queens, he had a special interest in helping such causes, as he told Elie Wiesel, the Nobel peace prizewinner, over dinner once.

作为一个来自皇后区的犹太男孩,他对帮助这些事业有着特殊的兴趣,他在与诺贝尔和平奖得主埃利·威塞尔(Elie Wiesel)共进晚餐时提到过这一点。

Wiesel’s foundation invested $15.2m with him, and lost it all—as did almost 5,000 other investors, most of them ordinary elderly folk, who lost a total of $64.8bn on paper and around $20bn in hard, and hard-earned, cash. That money was still being recovered on the day he died.


No trades were ever made with it. It went straight to him and to the scheme. Meanwhile he trusted a tiny band of employees to insert fake trades into customer statements, based on his own best calculations of how share prices had moved. If inspectors asked for records he could not immediately produce, these too would be fresh-made and, if too suspiciously warm from the printer, cooled in the office fridge.

