2021年经济学人 拉多娜·“勇敢的公牛”·阿拉德(3)(在线收听

It was up to them to crush the snake. She was no activist: her loves were genealogy and archaeology, pursued through university and now for her tribe. Her way was to invoke the past like a mantra, as she did when she quickly, firmly gave her real identity to any white interviewer: Tamakawastewin, “Her Good Earth Woman”, Sissintonwan Dakota from her mother, Oglala Lakota from her father.

得靠他们来击退这条蛇。拉多娜不是激进分子:她爱的是宗谱学和考古学,大学期间攻读的也是这两个方向,现在是为部落而战。她的方式是像念咒语一样追忆过往,她毫不犹豫、坚定地对白人采访者表明自己真实身份时,她就是这么做的,她说自己是塔玛卡瓦斯温(Tamakawastewin),意为“她的热土上的伟大女性”,继承了母亲的西辛顿万达科塔族(Sissintonwan Dakota)的血统,以及父亲那边奥格拉拉拉科塔族(Oglala Lakota)的血统。

Yet she also had land, and in April 2016 she set up the Sacred Stone camp at Standing Rock as a spiritual centre of protest. Only a few came at first; locals brought them coffee, firewood and sleeping bags. But a social-media appeal drew hundreds, then thousands, eventually in two camps, in tents and yurts and maple-pole tipis. The seven bands of the Sioux met there for the first time in 140 years.

而她也有自己的土地。2016年4月,她在立岩地区建立了圣石营地(Sacred Stone camp),作为抗议运动的精神中枢。最初只有几个人来,当地人还给他们送来咖啡、柴火和睡袋。但是社交媒体上的一份宣言吸引来了数百人,然后是数千人,最终建立了两处营地,支持者们栖身在帐篷、蒙古包和枫柱锥形帐篷里。苏族七大分支聚集于此,这种大阵仗还是140年来的首次。

The camps overflowed with horses, dogs, children, singing, story-telling and the smell of frybread. Tribal flags from almost every state lined either side of the route down to the pipeline site, where young men riding bareback would line up to block the road. She spread the word by travelling and speaking; the young spread it on their phones.


In this deliberately leaderless gathering, she kept the focus sacred. The ancestors had put medicine into this ground. Now it had to be applied again, to heal the body of Mother Earth and especially to heal Water, their first medicine. Indigenous spiritual leaders from all over America, as well as beyond it, brought water from their own rivers to fortify the Cannonball against future leaks of oil. The protesters were “water protectors”, and their rallying cry was “Mni Wiconi”, “Water is Life.”

在这场有意不推举领袖的集会中,拉多娜始终保持主旨的神圣性。祖先们曾将药物放进这片土地,现在得旧法新用,来疗愈地球母亲的身体,尤其是疗愈族人最重要的药物——水源。全美乃至他国的原住民精神领袖纷纷带来自家河流收集的水,来为坎农博尔河抵御未来石油泄漏的“添砖加瓦”。抗议者是“水之守护神”,他们的战斗口号是“Mni Wiconi”,意为“水即生命”。
