2021年经济学人 美国成瘾药物滥用成灾(1)(在线收听

Books & arts


Book review


Opioids in America


Bitter pills


Empire of Pain. By Patrick Radden Keefe.


At 50,000 overdose deaths a year and rising, America’s opioid crisis has never been worse. What began in the late 1990s as an epidemic of prescription pain-pill abuse morphed into a worse one of illicit heroin and, later, fentanyl. Prosecutors and the public have zeroed in on Purdue Pharma, which introduced the blockbuster drug OxyContin in 1996. Of the colossal revenues it generated, some $13bn was paid to the company’s previously low-profile owners, members of the Sackler family, who have recently sunk from honoured arts patrons to society pariahs.


Patrick Radden Keefe’s excellent new book tells the story of this now-infamous clan. He traces the empire of the title to Brooklyn in 1920, and a trio of brothers born to Jewish immigrants: Arthur (the eldest and, in Mr Keefe’s telling, the “patriarch”), Raymond and Mortimer. Arthur Sackler’s business acumen and questionable ethical judgment proved lucrative. He in effect invented the field of medical advertising, creating the first family fortune after aggressively marketing the sedatives Librium and Valium to doctors, without a serious study of the addiction risks. A fascination with Chinese artefacts led him to bequeath huge sums to prestigious museums. For decades the Sackler name would primarily be associated with that largesse.


Arthur died in 1987, almost a decade before Purdue, which the brothers had acquired in 1952, began selling OxyContin. By the time that happened, his branch of the family no longer held a stake—facts that its members hope will exonerate them from the taint of the “OxySacklers”. But after a gripping if lengthy account of the patriarch’s career in the first third of his book, Mr Keefe’s view is less forgiving. “So many of the antecedents of the saga of OxyContin could be found in the life of Arthur Sackler,” he concludes.


For the other two brothers and their descendants, Purdue yielded money beyond even Arthur’s imaginings. “The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense and white,” Richard Sackler, son of Raymond, promised at the launch party for OxyContin. His words proved all too prophetic. The plan for mass-market opioids was abetted by misleading advertising, which claimed that less than 1% of patients would become addicted, and a vast salesforce incentivised by lucrative commissions.

