美联社新闻一分钟 AP 澳大利亚数座城市因疫情宣布封锁(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


Rescue crews in south Florida say they haven't given up looking for survivors from a condo building that collapsed last week. More than 150 people remain missing from the disaster in Surfside, near Miami.


The US Defense Department says the US military launched airstrikes near the Iraq-Syria border. It says it targeted Iranian-backed militia groups who have attacked US troops.


Several major Australian cities including Sydney are under lockdown due to new COVID-19 outbreaks. Authorities say part of the problem has been a slow vaccine rollout.


Detroit-area residents are cleaning up from floods that knocked out power for thousands and damaged homes. A state of emergency was declared over the weekend for Detroit and surrounding areas of Wayne County.

