《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 32时间遇到疯帽子(在线收听

Who was that strange girl?


Oh, dear.

天哪 天哪

Don't worry, men. We can do this!

别担心 兄弟们 我们能行 坚持住

Just not with him.

好吧 除了他以外

Cheer up, tarrant.We'll have fun now that you're living here.

开心点 泰伦 你住在这儿 我们就有乐子了

It's tea time! Twinkle, twinkle little bat how I wonder where you're at up above the...

下午茶时间 一闪一闪亮晶晶 满天都是小蝙蝠 挂在天空

Who's he?


Greetings, underlings. I am time. The infinite and immortal. The personification of time itself.I know you may find this concept a little bit hard to digest... But please keep your bewilderment brief and to the point.

你们好 臣民们 我叫时间 无穷无尽 永世不朽 我就是时间的化身 也许我这么说你们会觉得晦涩难懂 那就先把疑惑放一放 我们说说重点
