《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 49爱丽丝被抓(在线收听

Hello, Alice. Get it!



Thank you ever so much. You have just delivered to me the most powerful device in the entire universe. Along with your dearest friends. And my dearest enemy.

真是太谢谢你了 你给我送来的东西可是整个宇宙当中最最强大的神器 还捎上你最亲爱的朋友 也是我最亲爱的敌人



Shut up!


I knew we should have stayed together. Now look at us. Stuck in a giant vegetable jail.

就知道我们该待在一起 看我们现在 困在这个巨大的蔬菜监狱里

What happened to you?


Wait! Your majesty, stop! You cannot change the past. Believe me, I have tried.

等等 女王陛下留步 你永远无法改变过去 相信我 我试过了

Oh, Alice, you always were an irksome, slurvish, interrupting thing. When I get back... I shall have the heads of all your friends. And then I shall have your head. Tata. Come on.

爱丽丝 你这人总是太烦人 太自我 太碍手碍脚 我回来的时候 会先把你朋友们的脑袋都砍下来 然后再把你的脑袋砍掉 拜拜 过来

Don't let her see herself. Or else she will destroy everything!

别让她看见自己 不然她会毁掉一切的
