2021年经济学人 美国房产投资的“鱼和熊掌”(2)(在线收听

Over the long run, however, economic theory suggests that rents and prices should move in tandem (ie, the ratio of house prices to rents should be stable). If rental growth catches up with prices, that could have a big effect. Rents make up one-fifth of the basket used to calculate "core" personal-consumption-expenditure (PCE) inflation, which excludes food and energy—the gauge most closely watched by the Fed. If annual rent inflation rose to 4% a year—not far off where it was shortly before the pandemic—overall core inflation would rise by 0.5 percentage points.


Could this happen as the economy recovers, landlords may hope to make up for lost time. "We expect a rental-market resurgence in 2021," said Zillow, a property firm, in a report in December, "with rents increasing...and demand for rental housing strengthening." A recovery in low-wage employment should boost rents: housing-cost inflation tends to rise when the unemployment rate falls. A survey by the New York Fed in April found that households expected rents to rise by 10% in the coming year, up from expectations of 5%, on average, in 2020.


Rental inflation is thus likely to rise in the coming months. But by how much is another question. There are reasons to think the price-to-rent ratio could settle at a permanently higher level. When interest rates are so low, for instance, people are willing to pay more for the right to a given stream of income. American price-to-rent ratios are higher today than in the 1980s, which coincides with declines in real interest rates.


A slower pace of housing construction may also keep price-to-rent ratios higher, suggests a new paper by Christian Hilber of the London School of Economics and Andreas Mense of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. In thriving areas where the supply of housing is constrained, buyers may be willing to bid up prices in the expectation of strong rental growth in the future. In recent years America has become worse at building new houses, in part because of tougher land-use regulations.


American price-to-rent ratios could of course adjust in another way—through prices falling, rather than rents rising. Just as share prices are more volatile than dividends, house prices are more up-and-down than rents. And Mr Detmeister's historical analysis suggests that two-thirds of any adjustment in price-to-rent ratios tends to fall on prices. In other words, America might be able to have either a strong housing market or quiescent inflation—but not both.

