2021年经济学人 电脑芯片(1)(在线收听

Computer chips


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The global chip shortage is here for some time


FOR WANT of a chip, the factory was lost. On May 18th Toyota became the latest carmaker forced to cut production amid a global shortage of microchips, announcing it would suspend work at two of its plants in Japan. Firms including Ford, General Motors and Jaguar Land Rover have also had to send workers home.


The pain is not confined to the car industry, for the shortage spans all sorts of chips, from the expensive, high-tech devices that power smartphones and data centres to the simple sensors and microcontrollers that have become a vital commodity, scattered across everything from cars to washing machines, and often costing just a few cents each. In the past few weeks companies including Foxconn, Nintendo and Samsung have warned of hits to production, affecting everything from smartphones and games consoles to televisions and home broadband routers.


Governments are worried. America's called a summit in April; another is due on May 20th. Germany's finance minister has written to the government of Taiwan, where many chipmakers are based, lobbying for priority for carmakers. A report from Gavekal Research, a consultancy, published on May 4th, said the shortage might soon hit export performance in several East Asian economies. But there is little that ministers can do. The chip drought is the result of the covid-19 pandemic interacting with an industry that is notoriously prone to cycles of boom and bust. It is likely to persist for months, if not years.


"The most important thing (to recognise)", says Malcolm Penn, who runs Future Horizons, a chip-industry consultancy, "is that shortages are a natural part of the industry." Chipmaking, he says, is a good example of what economists call a "pork-cycle" business, named for the regular swings between under-and over-supply first analysed in American pork markets in the 1920s. As with pigs, the supply of chips cannot quickly react to changes in demand. Capacity was tight even before the pandemic, says Mr Penn, pointing out that investment by chipmakers in factory equipment has been below its long-term average for many years.

芯片业咨询公司Future Horizons的老板马尔科姆·佩恩说,“(需要认识到的)最重要的一点是,短缺是这个行业的一个自然组成部分。”他说,芯片制造是经济学家称之为“猪周期”生意的一个很好的例子。上世纪20年代,经济学家首度分析了美国猪肉市场供应不足与供应过剩之间的规律性波动,这个名词由此而来。和猪肉的供应一样,芯片供应无法对需求的变化迅速作出反应。佩恩说,即使在疫情之前,产能也很紧张。他指出,芯片制造商对工厂设备的投资多年来一直低于其长期平均水平。
