2021年经济学人 壳牌不满被勒令减少碳排放(在线收听

The world this week




At least two directors nominated by Engine No. 1, a small, environmentally minded hedge fund, were elected by shareholders to the board of ExxonMobil. It is the most significant victory yet in the push by activist investors to force big oil companies to do more on climate change.

由具有环保意识的小型对冲基金引擎一号(Engine No. 1)提名的至少两位董事被埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)的股东选举为董事会成员。这是维权投资者迫使大型石油公司在气候变化问题上采取更多行动的最重大胜利。

Environmental legacy


In a ruling with ramifications for the whole oil industry, a Dutch court sided with green campaigners and found that Shell was in part responsible for climate change, ordering it to cut its carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 from 2019 levels. Shell currently aims to lower emissions by 20% in 2030 and 45% in 2035 from 2016 levels. It is to appeal against the verdict.


Activist investors have increased their clout during this year’s shareholders’ meetings in a wide range of industries. This week Aston Martin faced down a mini revolt, when 18% of shareholders opposed its pay policy for directors and 17% went against the re-election of Lawrence Stroll as chairman. Mr Stroll is credited with rescuing the struggling sports-car maker with an injection of capital in 2020.


Germany’s two biggest property companies, Vonovia and Deutsche Wohnen, agreed to merge, creating Europe’s largest residential real-estate group. The deal is controversial. Rents have soared in Berlin, producing a political backlash. The firms gave assurances that they would limit rent increases to 1% a year in Berlin for the next three years and provide flats for young families at below market rents.

德国两家最大的房地产公司voonovia和Deutsche Wohnen同意合并,造成出欧洲最大的住宅房地产集团。这笔交易存在争议。柏林的房租飙升,引发了政治反弹。这些公司保证,他们将在未来三年内将柏林的租金涨幅控制在每年1%,并以低于市场租金的价格为年轻家庭提供公寓。

Singapore’s first-quarter gdp figure was revised, revealing a much faster expansion than had been thought. The economy grew by 3.1% compared with the previous three months; manufacturing output was up by 10.8%.


Joe Biden confirmed that he would not impose sanctions on the corporation that built the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will transport gas from Russia to Germany. Critics contend the project’s main purpose is to increase European reliance on Russian energy, but Mr Biden said that sanctions would be counter-productive, given that the pipeline is almost complete. The decision is a win for the German government, and a blow to Ukraine, which will lose income from transit fees for Russian gas.

