2021年经济学人 亚马逊在美遭反垄断诉讼(在线收听

Turkey’s president sacked a deputy governor at the country’s central bank, the third defenestration of a senior official within two months. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has whittled away at the central bank’s independence over the years in his attempt to suppress interest rates, replacing the governor with a supporter in March. Since then the lira has slid by 15%.


Uber said it would allow its drivers in Britain to join a union, the first time that the ride-hailing company has given official recognition to a union in any country. In February Britain’s Supreme Court ruled that Uber must extend employee rights, such as a minimum wage, to its drivers.


The fallout from the collapse of Greensill Capital, a financing firm, spread to Italy, where the central bank pushed Aigis Banca, a specialist lender based in Milan, into liquidation. A basket of Aigis’s assets, were sold to another Italian bank for 1 euro ($1.20).

金融服务公司Greensill Capital倒闭的余波波及到了意大利,意大利央行迫使总部位于米兰的专业贷款机构Aigis Banca进入清算阶段。Aigis Banca的一篮子的资产以1欧元(1.20美元)的价格卖给了另一家意大利银行。

The city of Washington, dc, sued Amazon, claiming that the retailer forced third-party sellers to agree not to sell their wares at lower prices anywhere else on the internet. Amazon, which also faces investigations in Europe and India, said it would fight the lawsuit. Meanwhile, Amazon secured its deal to buy mgm, paying $8.45bn for the film studio.


WhatsApp, a popular encrypted-messaging service owned by Facebook, said it was suing the government of India over new rules requiring it to be able to trace messages sent on its platform. WhatsApp has long used privacy as a selling-point; it the most popular messaging-app in India.


The first private licence to operate mobile services in Ethiopia was awarded to a consortium that includes Vodafone. The bid for a second licence from MTN, a South African company, was rejected as too low. The liberalisation of Ethiopia’s telecoms is a proxy in the tech war between America and China. The winning bid is supported by Washington through low-cost foreign-aid loans; MTN’s proposal was backed in part by a Chinese state investor.


Following an aborted launch in December, Virgin Galactic conducted a successful test flight of its VSS Unity spacecraft, which touched down in New Mexico after reaching an altitude of 55.45 miles (89.2km). The company hopes to put paying passengers into orbit next year. Blue Origin, a space-tourism venture backed by Jeff Bezos, will send its first paying passenger into space on July 20th. The current bid for the tourist seat to be occupied by the lucky (and brave) person on that mission is $2.8m.

继去年12月发射失败后,维珍银河公司成功试飞了其VSS Unity航天器,它在到达55.45英里(89.2公里)的高度后在新墨西哥州着陆。该公司希望明年将付费乘客送入轨道。由杰夫·贝佐斯支持的太空旅游公司“蓝色起源”将于7月20日将首位付费乘客送入太空。目前,这个幸运(勇气十足)的游客名额的出价是280万美元。
