2021年经济学人 G7领导人齐聚卡比斯湾参加峰会(在线收听

The world this week




The leaders of the G7 countries headed to the Cornish resort of Carbis Bay for a summit, their first in two years and the first for Joe Biden as America’s president. Ahead of the summit, G7 finance ministers met in London, where they proposed the biggest shake-up of corporate tax since the 1920s, backing a minimum global rate of at least 15% and a clampdown on companies that park profits in tax havens. But the proposals will need the support of other countries.

七国集团(G7)领导人前往康沃尔的旅游胜地卡比斯湾(Carbis Bay)参加峰会,这是两年来的该组织的首次峰会,也是乔·拜登(Joe Biden)就任美国总统以来的首次峰会。在这次峰会前,七国的财长在伦敦举行了会议,他们提出了自上世纪20年代以来最大规模的公司税改革,支持全球最低公司税税率至少为15%,并打击将利润转移到避税天堂的公司。但这些提议需要其他国家的支持。

Democrats had to rethink their plan to pass comprehensive legislation on electoral reform, known as the For the People Act, when Joe Manchin, a Democratic senator from West Virginia, said he would not support it because it lacked Republican support. Mr Manchin also definitively ruled out backing any attempt to weaken the filibuster, another headache for the Democrats in a Senate that is split 50-50.

民主党人不得不重新考虑他们的计划,即通过关于选举改革的全面立法——《人民法案》(For the People Act)。来自西弗吉尼亚州的民主党参议员乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin)表示,他不会支持该法案,因为它缺乏共和党人的支持。曼钦还明确表示不会支持任何弱化阻挠议事的企图,这是参议院民主党人的另一个头疼问题,因为参议院中民主党人的意见是50对50。

America’s border agency intercepted 180,034 illegal migrants in May, a new 21-year high. The number of unaccompanied children at the border is falling, as is the number of migrants from Central America. In her first trip abroad as vice-president, Kamala Harris went to Guatemala and warned potential migrants not to enter the United States, as they would be turned back.

美国边境管理局5月拦截了180,034名非法移民,人数创21年来新高。边境上无人陪伴的儿童数量正在下降,来自中美洲的移民数量也在下降。在就任副总统后的首次海外之行中,卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)前往危地马拉,警告潜在移民不要进入美国,因为他们会被遣返。

Pedro Castillo, a left-wing former schoolteacher, narrowly won Peru’s presidential run-off. With just 50.2%, a lead of 70,000 out of 17.5m votes cast, he has a weak mandate and will preside over a bitterly divided country. His conservative opponent, Keiko Fujimori, claimed there had been fraud, although there is little evidence of this.

前左翼教师佩德罗·卡斯蒂略(Pedro Castillo)以微弱优势赢得秘鲁总统大选。他只获得了50.2%的选票,在1750万张选票中领先7万张,他得到的授权很少,并且将领导一个严重分裂的国家。他的保守派对手藤森庆子(Keiko Fujimori)声称选举存在欺诈行为,尽管几乎没有证据证实这一点。

In Nicaragua Daniel Ortega, the strongman president who hopes to win a fifth term in elections in November, appeared to be further muzzling the opposition, when four prominent opposition politicians were detained in the space of a few days.

在尼加拉瓜,希望在11月的选举中赢得第五个任期的强人总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加(Daniel Ortega)似乎进一步压制了反对派,当时四位著名的反对派政客被拘留了数日。

There were mixed results for Morena, the party of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in mid-term elections in Mexico. It and its allies lost their two-thirds majority in the national legislature’s lower house, but it remains the most popular party and has expanded its national footprint.


A court in Moscow ruled that two organisations connected to Alexei Navalny, a jailed opposition leader in Russia, were “extremist”, and thus should be shut down and their members barred from standing in elections. The move, which follows a change in the law that came into effect just five days earlier, is clearly aimed at preventing supporters of Mr Navalny from running in parliamentary elections expected in September. The hearing was held behind closed doors.

莫斯科一家法院裁定,与被监禁的俄罗斯反对派领导人阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)有关的两个组织是“极端主义”组织,因此应被取缔,并禁止其成员参加选举。这一举措是在五天前生效的一项法律变化后采取的,目的显然是阻止纳瓦尔尼的支持者参加预计将于9月举行的议会选举。这次的听证会是秘密举行的。
