2021年经济学人 以色列成立新政府 内塔尼亚胡下台(在线收听

The European Commission launched legal proceedings against Germany’s Constitutional Court to assert the primacy of European Union law. The case relates to the German court’s ruling last year that the European Central Bank’s bond-buying programme contravenes the German constitution. That ruling contradicted a decision by the European Court of Justice, the eu’s highest court, which found that the programme complies with EU law.

欧盟委员会对德国宪法法院提起诉讼,以维护欧盟法律的首要地位。该案涉及德国法院去年做出的一项裁决,即欧洲央行(ECB)的债券购买计划违反了德国宪法。这一裁决与欧盟最高法院欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)的裁决相矛盾,后者认为该计划符合欧盟法律。

Jihadists killed more than 138 people in an attack on a village in Burkina Faso, the deadliest incident since the start of an insurgency in 2015.


Assimi Goita, an army officer in Mali who has led two coups in less than a year, was sworn in as the president of a transitional government. His power-grab has prompted the African Union to suspend Mali. France has halted joint military operations against jihadists in protest.

在不到一年的时间里领导了两场政变的马里军官阿西米·戈伊塔(Assimi Goita)宣誓就任过渡政府的(副)总统。他的夺权行为促使非洲联盟暂停马里的成员国资格。法国停止了针对圣战分子的联合军事行动以示抗议。

Israel’s outgoing government approved a march by Israeli nationalists through Jerusalem’s Old City. Hamas, the militant Palestinian group that runs Gaza, warned that the march, due to take place on June 15th, could trigger a new round of violence.


Iran held a presidential debate in which Mohsen Mehralizadeh, a former provincial governor, pointed out the obvious: the regime has rigged the ballot in order to ensure that Ebrahim Raisi, the head of Iran’s judiciary and a staunch hardliner, wins the election on June 18th.

伊朗举行了一场总统辩论,前省长莫森·迈赫拉利扎德(Mohsen Mehralizadeh)在辩论中指出了显而易见的事实:政府操纵了投票,以确保伊朗司法部门负责人、坚定的强硬派易卜拉欣·拉兹(Ebrahim Raisi)在6月18日的选举中获胜。

Mongolia’s presidential election was won by Ukhnaa Khurelsukh, who resigned as prime minister in January amid street protests about the country’s health service. Mr Khurelsukh is from the ruling Mongolian People’s Party; he won 68% of the vote, the most for any presidential candidate since the start of democratic elections in 1990.

呼日勒苏赫(Ukhnaa Khurelsukh)赢得了蒙古总统选举,他在1月份因民众抗议该国的医疗服务而辞去了总理职务。Khurelsukh来自执政的蒙古人民党;他赢得了68%的选票,是自1990年民主选举开始以来总统候选人获得的最高票数。

A new species of dinosaur, excavated in 2007 in Australia, has been identified by palaeontologists as among the largest ever. Australotitan cooperensis, a plant-eating beast, would have been 6.5 metres tall and 30 metres long.

2007年在澳大利亚出土的一种新恐龙被古生物学家认定为有史以来最大的恐龙之一。Australotitan cooperensis是一种食草动物,大约有6.5米高,30米长。

Coronavirus briefs


The numbers of new cases and deaths are steadily falling, according to the World Health Organisation, with “marked declines” in Europe and South-East Asia. But infections in Africa are rising.


UNICEF stepped up its campaign ahead of the G7 meeting to persuade rich countries to donate more vaccines to poor ones. Joe Biden was ready to donate 500m doses of the Pfizer jab.

联合国儿童基金会在七国集团会议前加强了其活动,以说服富裕国家向贫穷国家捐赠更多疫苗。乔·拜登(Joe Biden)准备捐赠5亿剂辉瑞(Pfizer)的疫苗。

In England 80% of adults were estimated to have antibodies against COVID-19, either through vaccination or having had the disease.

