2021年经济学人 日本"妻随夫姓"符合宪法不可违背(在线收听

The world this week




Ebrahim Raisi, a conservative cleric and former chief of the judiciary, won Iran’s presidential election with 62% of the vote. His main rivals had all been barred from running. Turnout was less than 49%, a record low, as many liberal and moderate Iranians stayed at home. Mr Raisi promised to continue working with America and other world powers to resuscitate the nuclear deal signed in 2015, but said he would not meet Joe Biden. And he insisted that Iran’s ballistic missile programme and its support for foreign militias were not negotiable.


Kenneth Kaunda, the founding president of Zambia, died at the age of 97. He is remembered as a giant of Africa’s liberation from colonial rule and for stepping down when he lost an election in 1991. He also locked up opponents and crashed the economy.


Leaders of the 16 countries in the Southern African Development Community, a regional bloc, agreed to send an armed force to Mozambique to battle jihadists, who have caused nearly 1m people to flee their homes.


Ethiopians voted in a parliamentary election marred by the arrest of opposition leaders and the disenfranchisement of a fifth of voters. The election was not held in four of the country’s ten regions because of conflict or mishaps, such as misprinted ballot papers.


The Supreme Court of Japan ruled that laws requiring married couples to use the same surname are constitutional, rejecting a challenge by petitioners seeking to keep their original surnames.


Brazil’s environment minister, Ricardo Salles, resigned amid a police investigation into an illegal wood-smuggling ring. Under Mr Salles’s watch the rate of deforestation in the Amazon soared by over 40%. His replacement has ties to Brazil’s farming lobby.

巴西环境部长里卡多·萨勒斯(Ricardo Salles)因警方调查一起非法木材走私团伙而辞职。萨勒斯在任期间,亚马逊雨林的毁林率飙升了40%以上。他的继任者与巴西农业游说团体有联系。
