2021年经济学人 史上最孤独的人:迈克尔·柯林斯(1)(在线收听

Obituary: Michael Collins


The third man


Michael Collins, astronaut, died on April 28th, aged 90


The moon that filled the window of the spacecraft Columbia was not one Michael Collins had ever seen before.

迈克尔·柯林斯(Michael Collins)从没见过这般景象:“哥伦比亚号”指挥舱窗外被月亮填满,

It was absolutely three-dimensional, its belly bulging out towards him. Cascading sunlight formed a halo round it.


The lighter parts were a lot lighter than usual, the jagged mountains darker. It was electrifying. Then the feeling passed.


“Hello Moon!” he quipped. “How’s the old backside?”


This was the closest he had come, as the Apollo 11 crew on July 19th 1969 scouted out their best landing place.


But he knew all about the Moon: dry, lifeless, rough as a corncob. Sometimes it looked like a sun-seared peach pit, sometimes like smallpox.


What it never looked was interesting. He would certainly much rather have flown off to Mars.


It was therefore no hardship, when his colleagues Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took the lunar module Eagle down to the surface and clumped about on it,

所以,当同事尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)和巴兹·奥尔德林(Buzz Aldrin)将“鹰”号登月舱降落在月球表面、费劲力气踏上月球时,

for him to stay for 27 hours in orbit in Columbia.


Someone had to get them home. Besides, he loved Columbia, finest of ships, commodious and a friend.


It pained him to think of Neil and Buzz trailing their grimy moon-goo into it.


On his previous spaceflight, the Gemini 10 mission with John Young in 1966 to practise manoeuvering in Earth orbit,

在此前的1966年,他和约翰·杨(John Young)一起操纵双子座10号执行地球轨道飞行任务时,

the two of them had squashed into a cabin the size of the front seat of a Volkswagen.


By contrast Columbia almost reminded him, if you took the centre couch out, of Washington National Cathedral.


When he later became director of the new National Air and Space Museum, planning and completing it on time and under budget,


she had a place of honour, right by Lindbergh’s Spirit of St Louis.


Ensconced in Columbia he could dine in splendour on tubes of his favourite cream-of-chicken soup, drink fairly hot coffee,


listen to music and crank up the thermostat to 76 degrees.


For 48 minutes in each of 14 orbits, as he passed the Moon’s meteor-battered backside, it was a joy to get Mission Control to shut up for a while.


So when the press called him the loneliest man in history, or at least since Adam, 65 miles above his comrades, 250,000 miles from home, that was ridiculous.


Occasionally forgotten, perhaps.

