2021年经济学人 美国银行要求返岗员工需完全接种疫苗(在线收听

America’s Federal Trade Commission is to evaluate Amazon’s proposed takeover of MGM film studio.


The commission’s new chairwoman, Lina Khan, is an outspoken critic of Amazon and other big tech.

该委员会的新任主席莉娜·汗(Lina Khan)直言不讳地批评亚马逊和其他大型科技公司。

Amazon also faces a broadside over its working practices.


The Teamsters union is looking to escalate its fight to organise workers at Amazon warehouses.

卡车司机工会(Teamsters union)正在升级其组织亚马逊仓库工人抗议的行动。

The European Commission opened a formal antitrust investigation into Google, to establish whether it favours its own online display advertising technology across its platform.

欧盟委员会(European Commission)对谷歌展开了正式的反垄断调查,以确定谷歌是否倾向于在其平台上使用自己的在线展示广告技术。

The review will probe the heart of Google’s monetising model, including ad buys on YouTube.


Morrisons, Britain’s fourth-biggest supermarket chain, rejected a takeover approach from a private-equity firm.


Its share price leapt amid speculation that other buyers may be about to join the queue with their own bids.


John McAfee, the eponymous founder of the computer-security company, died in a suspected suicide in a Spanish prison,

计算机安全公司McAfee的创始人John McAfee在西班牙监狱疑似自杀身亡,

where he was awaiting extradition to America for tax evasion.


Mr McAfee sold his firm in 1994, and had since led an unsettled life, fleeing Belize after the death of a neighbour and running for president in America as a Libertarian.


He had recently been promoting cryptocurrencies.


The Brazilian congress approved a bill to float the shares of Eletrobras, Brazil’s state-owned electricity provider and the biggest utility in South America, on the stockmarket.


The government hopes to reap $20bn from the sale, which would be the first major privatisation under President Jair Bolsonaro.

政府希望从这笔交易中获得200亿美元的收益,这将是总统雅伊尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)执政期间的首次大规模私有化。

America’s big banks took further steps to prepare workers for a return to the office.


Press reports suggest that Morgan Stanley will not allow staff or clients to enter its offices in New York

新闻报道称,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)将不允许员工或客户进入其纽约办公室,

unless they have been fully vaccinated and that JPMorgan Chase wants its employees to register their vaccine status on an internal website.

除非已经完全接种了疫苗,而摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)则希望其员工在一个内部网站上登记他们的疫苗接种状况。

Peloton, meanwhile, rolled out a corporate-wellness programme for businesses


that offer subsidies for its digitally connected fitness bikes, exercise programmes and other workouts for those aspiring to be svelte.


That is one incentive that could entice workers back to the office. Or maybe not.

