场景对话练习 Where is the station?--习题(在线收听

English exercise

1. station you Hi tell please? Could the railway the to me ! way 

2. straight to crossroads, Go the on next 

3. lights. traffic and left at the turn 

4. us you on way map? the show Could our 

5. Yes, not very have here, far. it's look a 

6. Thank kind of very you. that's you, 

7. You're welcome. 



1. Hi ! Could you tell me the way to the railway station please?

2. Go straight on to the next crossroads,

3. and turn left at the traffic lights.

4. Could you show us the way on our map?

5. Yes, have a look here, it's not very far.

6. Thank you, that's very kind of you.

7. You're welcome.
