《权力的游戏》精讲 第9集:贝勒神像(21)(在线收听

A lemon one-or any of them. Three coppers. How about a nice fat pigeon?

柠檬的...或是什么口味的都行. 三个铜板. 用一只肥鸽跟你换可以吗?

Piss off now. Go on. Do you have any stale ones from yesterday? Or any burnt ones? Piss off!

去你的. 滚开. 你有昨天剩下的吗?或者是烤焦的?快滚!

Hey, where's everyone going? What's happening? They're taking him to the Sept of Baelor. Who?

嘿, 大家都去哪里? 出什么事了? 他们要带他去贝勒圣堂. 带谁?

The Hand of the King. Traitor! Coward! Baelor.

国王之手.叛徒!懦夫! 贝勒.

Baelor! Traitor! Traitor! I am Eddard Stark,

贝勒! 叛徒! 叛徒! 我是艾德史塔克,

Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King. I come before you to confess my treason

临冬城主 暨国王之手. 我在此承认我的叛国罪行

In the sight of Gods and men. I betrayed the faith of my King and the trust of my friend Robert.

当着诸神和凡人的面. 我辜负了我的国王的信任 我背叛了我的挚友劳勃的托付.

I swore to protect and defend his children, but before his blood was cold I plotted to murder his son...

我曾发誓保护他的孩子们, 然而当他尸骨未寒 我便阴谋杀害他的儿子...

And seize the Throne for myself. Traitor! Let the high Septon

企图自立为王. 叛徒! 请总主教...
